Total Body Workout with BeFiT's Scott Herman

Posted by Emilie von Unwerth on

We've all been there: you know you need to fit in a workout but just simply don't have the time or motivation to get to the gym. And while not wanting to hit the gym isn't necessarily a bad thing, skipping workouts is a fast way to fall off the wagon.

In steps Scott Herman, fitness expert and official BeFiT trainer. Scott specializes in designing workouts that can be done anywhere, often times without equipment.

One of our favorites is the BeFiT Intensity Total Body Workout. We spoke to Scott a bit about why he loves it and how in just 25 minutes a day, you can get a cut, lean body at home.

“When it comes to burning calories you want to tackle a workout that is going to target a little bit of everything,” says Scott. “This will allow you to work more muscles in a shorter period of time for maximum results.”

What can you expect from doing a workout like the one posted below? “Some major benefits from doing this workout are fat loss, stronger muscles and tendons, increased muscle endurance, and improved flexibility and mobility.” says Scott. “If you train with this 3-4 times a week, you'll maximize your results!”

Check out the video below for a quick workout when you're pressed for time and just not feeling the gym. You can find Scott's other at-home workouts here.

at home workout fitness health sleep wellness workout

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