Essential Oils for Sleep

Posted by Meagan Kay on

Have you ever gotten a whiff of someone’s perfume or cologne and were immediately reminded of your ex from five years ago who used to wear that scent? Just me? Fine. But I bet you have been in a kitchen when something exquisite is cooking in the oven. Smell has a huge impact on our brains, and so it’s no surprise that there are a handful of popular essential oils that can help you get to sleep and avoid sleep apnea. The trick here is to make this a part of your nighttime routine, helping your brain to learn that a certain oil means it’s bedtime. Let’s list off a few essential oils and then we’ll get to how best to use them.

  • Lavender. Lavender is consistently ranked as one of the top essential oils for sleep. It has been known to help with anxiety and improve sleep quality and can also help make you more alert during the day. Lavender is also, mercifully, pretty affordable as fancy oils go, making it a perfect essential oil for beginners.

  • Valerian root or chamomile. You could try these as oils instead of teas, but the same properties apply. Valerian root has been known to alleviate insomnia, while chamomile has qualities that will calm you down and reduce anxiety.

  • Eucalyptus. If you suffer from sleep apnea, it’s definitely worth giving eucalyptus oil a try. This oil can help open up your air passages. It also has been known to relieve aches and pains, so if that’s what’s keeping you up, you could try massaging some oil into where it hurts.

  • Frankincense. If it worked for Baby Jesus, it should work for you too. Seriously, frankincense has been used for centuries and if you make it part of your nighttime ritual, you’ll see just how nice and soothing it can be.

    How to use essential oils. There are plenty of different ways to safely utilize your essential oils. Air diffusers have become increasingly trendy in recent years. These little machines dilute and spray out your oils, and some of them can look pretty cool in your home. The best essential oils to use with diffusers include chamomile, frankincense, and eucalyptus.

    You can also consume essential oils a more simple way: take a few drops rub them on your body — your temples, neck, chest, hands, even feet. You could also mix the oil with epsom salt and add it to your bath. Even opening the bottle and taking a whiff should help. Another option, for sleep apnea sufferers, is to put a few drops of oil in a pot of boiling water and sit with your face over the pot and a towel over your head, breathing in the aroma.

    There are a few things to avoid when dealing with essential oils. Generally, it is wise to avoid ingesting the oils, even if they’ve been diluted in water. Also essential oils should be avoided by kids, teenagers and pregnant women.

    Read more great sleep tips read the full article - 5 Tips to Sleep Better and More Naturally 

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